Once upon a time I dressed up like a dragon and this is what I thought that looked like.
exploring power and love
Kaitlin's work in podcasting, performance and installation has been featured at audio festivals and conferences around the world. She is the founder and host of Radiotopia’s The Heart, where she explores intimacy through innovative approaches to sound and storytelling. Her audio work has been celebrated by several international audio awards (Third Coast International's Gold Award for Best Documentary, for Mariya with Mitra Kaboli in 2016, Prix Italia Golden Award for New Formats for Movies In Your Head with Shani Aviram 2015,. Hearsay Festival’s Overall Prize 2014 Last, National Community Radio Awards Outstanding Achievement in Documentary 2011).
She is known for her ability to use intricate sound design and rich prose to recreate the comedies and tragedies of the human condition. Her work takes a critical approach in telling true stories about love and sex, questioning norms and conventions that limit our view of what is acceptable and what is possible.
She shares her craft secrets in public talks, workshops and private consultations.
No idea is born in isolation. These are the people whose brilliant minds nourish and influence my work.